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About Me

A Little About Me

I have been fortunate to have worked with hundreds of children and youth, parents, and educators over many years and several provinces. My Ph.D. is from the University of Alberta, and I have been a member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario for more than 25 years. I have been a teacher, Special Education Coordinator, Principal, Acting Manager of Psychological Services, and Superintendent of Special Education and Student Services, and Equity with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. I have also worked as a Psychologist at E.C. Drury School for the Deaf, and as an Instructor at Brock University. I am currently an Implementation Coach with School Mental Health Ontario, a provincial organization that works together with Ontario school districts to support student mental health. I am deeply concerned about children’s mental health and want all children and youth to feel that they are welcomed, included, and belong within their school and home community.

Being a parent has significantly enriched my approach to learning, development, mental health and behaviour. In my spare time, I love spending time with my wonderful children and grandchildren. I bring this extensive experience to you as we work together to determine your child’s learning strengths and needs.

George Evans

Every student can learn, just not on the same day or the same way.

Who I Work With

I provide psychoeducational assessments for children, youth and young adults and their families who need more information about how to learn, and how to enhance their learning. This includes students who may be struggling with school or students who need more challenges. My practice includes kids with learning disabilities, dyslexia, developmental disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, mental health issues, students who are gifted, those who learn more slowly, and students entering college or university.

My Approach

It is important to me to build a supportive, positive relationship with each child to ensure that they feel comfortable during the assessment process and are able to do their best work. My goal is to help children, youth and parents gain information about their individual learning and the conditions that may affect learning through a positive, evidence-based approach.

Collaboration with parents and educators and where appropriate, other support personnel (e.g., physicians, speech and language pathologists, occupational and physiotherapists) can help to develop a fuller understanding of your child.